Hey! Recently we were working on a project for ..We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
A new project is an opportunity to create something unique.We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
We look forward to working with you on your next projectAs an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
Style Tiles are always a good option to show work in progress!We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
You can check the attachment for a full view..More shots with final designs coming soon.
This is a proposal to add value to a crowdfunding listing pagewe streamline the process without having to make multiple mockups.
Clients easily understand themStyle tiles serve as a flexible starting point that helps us easily communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.
we have a lot of fun during this phase.We are working on an exciting project for a company in the investment business. Stay tuned!
Hey! Recently we were working on a project for ..We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
A new project is an opportunity to create something unique.We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
We look forward to working with you on your next projectAs an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
Style Tiles are always a good option to show work in progress!We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
You can check the attachment for a full view..More shots with final designs coming soon.
This is a proposal to add value to a crowdfunding listing pagewe streamline the process without having to make multiple mockups.
Clients easily understand themStyle tiles serve as a flexible starting point that helps us easily communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.
we have a lot of fun during this phase.We are working on an exciting project for a company in the investment business. Stay tuned!
Hey! Recently we were working on a project for ..We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
A new project is an opportunity to create something unique.We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
We look forward to working with you on your next projectAs an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
Style Tiles are always a good option to show work in progress!We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
멕시칸 돈까스Mexican pork cutlet
치킨 마요 덮밥Chicken mayo rice bowl
이탈리안 치즈 라면Italian cheese ramen
해물짬뽕파스타(1인분)Spicy seafood ramen
해물짬뽕라면(1인분)Spicy seafood pasta
유부우동Fried tofu udon
얼큰 찌개라면Spicy kimchi & sausage ramen
사천 짜계치Shichuan cheese & egg zzapagetti
통살 치킨 불닭볶음면Chicken hot flavor ramen with fried chicken thigh
계란 새우볶음밥Egg shrimp fried rice
김치 소시지 볶음밥Kimchi & sausage fried rice
낙지 볶음밥Small octopus fried rice
돈까스 카레 덮밥Pork cutlet curry rice bowl
김치 삼겹 볶음밥Kimchi & pork belly fried rice
우거지 해장국Cabbage & beef hangover soup
(주) 심부룸 | 대표이사 : 설로몬 | 주소 : 서울 강남구 선릉로 94길 14, 7층 (삼성동 141-7)
사업자등록번호: 668-86-01982 | 대표번호 : 1670-8390
(주)심부룸 | 대표 설로몬
대표전화 1670-8390 | 사업자등록번호 668-86-01982
서울 강남구 선릉로 94길 14, 7층 (삼성동 141-7)
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